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Konumunuza özel içerikleri görmek ve online alışveriş yapmak için başka bir ülkeyi veya bölgeyi seçin.
Which shipping companies do you work with?
We work with reliable and successful shipping companies such as FedEx, UPS, TNT and DHL.
When will I receive my order?
Your order will be delivered in 2-4 days on average. Our company is not responsible for delays caused by the cargo company.
Is shipping free on all orders?
Shipping is free for orders of $50 or more.

You can return the product within 14 days from the date of receipt.

Returns are not accepted for personalized products. This does not apply to damaged products. In case you face any issues, please contact us so we can assist you.

It is important that the product to be sent as a return does not lose its resalable feature and is packaged as it arrives.

For your questions, you can send an e-mail to or contact us at +90 (537) 213 72 03.

How can I ship my order to you?
You can send it through companies such as Fedex, Tnt or Ups. The shipping fee belongs to the buyer.
When will my refund take place?
After the product you have returned to us, it will be examined by the review team and after it is approved, your fee will be made through your bank's online payment system in accordance with the type of payment to the card you use, and the refund will be reflected in your account within 2-7 business days.